The Louvahs are coming! The Louvahs are coming!
Which is why I’ve been awake since three a.m. and now it’s seven and I have to start my day. Dread. Even telling myself this is the last bleating flock of Louvahs I’ll ever have to tend does nothing to deflate the mission of Sergeant Insomnia. He wants me to tally every second in the temporal chain that will tether me to the Louvahs. They arrive at 12:30, Charles de Gaulle. Five and a half hours to go…
You might be wondering who the Louvahs are. Those of you who know something about my job can probably guess. Otherwise I invite you to read my next novel in which they figure prominently. All I can say for the moment is the Louvahs are coming! The Louvahs are coming!
My friends, I wish you all a wonderful New Year 2013. May your dreams and projects come to fruition and may good health and prosperity shower you with their blessings.
For me 2013 will be a year of new starts. In November I made the brave, foolhardy, electrifying and spiritual edifying decision to give notice. I will be leaving my job as Resident Director of The Program in August.
Enough is enough. If you know Anne Marsella you will probably agree with me that she has neither the good grace nor the patience for job in hospitality. But five years ago how was she to know? She thought she was taking a job in education! No sooner had she stepped into office than twenty-eight Louvahs descended upon her expecting prompt service with a smile. We are entitled to this and we are entitled to that, they told her. We paid a lot.
Anne had to agree. They did pay a lot. If only they paid her directly she’d have had the means to make the program shine, shine, shine and improve her credit rating. But life is never so simple.
The Louvahs starved, they fainted, they vomited croissants, they binged on baguette, they got laid quite a lot. They pulled off their tops and stepped out of their pants with shocking fluency. Anne often asked herself: Am I running a nunnery or a bordello? Is this Little Women or Fanny Hill? The Louvahs seem to be learning something, no? Sometimes she thought they were, sometimes she was certain they were not.
The Louvahs are coming! The Louvahs are coming!
Friends, wish me luck.