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Subcribers, please resubscribe!

02bPhoto by artist Michael McCarthy



My blog now has a new subscription service and I would be grateful if  you’d take a moment to resubscribe so that you’ll stay on my list:

It’s quick and painless, I promise you.

I’m trying to get out of Feedburner and it is looking a bit tricky, but eventually that system will fade out.  For the moment you will probably receive two notices — please ignore the one from Google’s Feedburner and please do not reply to that particular post as I won’t get it.   Your message will go directly to the person who used to manage my website.

So sorry for the technical glitch.

Coming up soon — my trip to Armenia!

And for now, a video of the very talented songwriter/performer Pierre Grammont (who recently performed in The Belleville Choir).  Enjoy Fécamp!
