When her French composer-husband brings a few co-workers home from the Paris carwash where he is working to earn some money, Jane de la Rochefoucault…
Selected for the magazine section ” Les Bonnes Feuilles”. L’Humanite… Read more
« …Tout en adoptant un ton détaché et factuel, l ‘auteur parvient à se glisser dans la personnalité de ses héros et à leur donner…
“Most of the characters in the ten stories making up this collection are profoundly alone, usually in a foreign, adopted city. They aren’t exactly lost,…
Native Californian Anne Marsella‘s debut novel Remedy (Portobello Books) is set in a Pariscape peopled by odd, intriguing, and enthusiastic characters. The resulting novel is more than…
In Anne Marsella’s* warm and funny The Baby of Belleville, hierarchy is put to rest, making room for an all-inclusive Paris, a Paris where equal time…
On peut raconter sa vie de différentes manières, mais pour Patsy Boone, une est infaillible: la correspondance. Elle communique avec sa gardienne d’immeuble – et…
Elle n’ a pas sa langue dans sa poche, Patsy Boone. Surtout quand il s’ agit de sa concierge. Patsy aime les claquettes, cela crée…
This first book, a story collection showing immense mastery of character, dialect, and narrative, won the 1993 Elmer Holmes Bobst Award for Emerging Writers. Born…