Narrated by an Italian-American living in Paris with her aristocratic French husband and newborn baby, this comic novel is an imaginative tale of motherhood. Struggling…
The narrator of Anne Marsella’s comic novel is an Italian-American woman who lives in Paris with her aristocratic husband and their newborn son. The book…
ANNE MARSELLA’S short-story collection, “The Lost and Found”, is a passport into foreign terrain not to be found on a tourist’s map. ‘”There are streets in Paris…
Some readers will be turned off by the conceit of this first novel, in which an American fashionista in Paris seeks help from a syndicate…
Remedy by Anne Marsella This is classic Marmite literature – you either love it or you hate it. The main character, Remedy, is so eccentric…
When You’re StrangeAnne Marsella is the award-winning author of four books, most recently The Baby of Belleville, a novel about life, love, and motherhood in…
“The heroine is named Remedy so it is fair to assume that her company is supposed to be a tonic. An American fashion hack in…
” The eponymous heroine of REMEDY is a nice Catholic girl from Florida with an adventurous sexual appetite who works in Paris for A la…
“This is less chick-lit than an insight into one strain of modern expat life: Remedy, the narrator, is fluent in French and appreciated at work,…
“The concept is familiar: a lonely romantic is on a quest to find the man of her dreams. But the originality of the writing makes…